(Bríd Harper, Paul Meehan, Lisa Butler, Tony O’Connell le Brian Mc Grath)
8pm An Droichead
Tá lúcháir orainn bheith ar ais in An Droichead arís agus oíche ar leith cheoil i gcuideachta Uaine geallta.
Bríd Harper, Tony O’Connell, Paul Meehan and Lisa Butler are well known and highly respected performers collectively known as UAINE. They recently released their successful debut album entitled “The Dimming of the Day” at the Ennis Trad Fest.
“New tunes, bright ideas, deep respect, music as fresh as the first flush of April grass,” says Sean Laffey, reviewing for the Irish Music Magazine. On this occasion they will be joined by the talented Brian McGrath on piano.
No gimmicks, a sweet tuneful voice rendering contemporary and traditional material, both in English and Irish, and tunes delivered with a passion for the tradition.