Teistiméarachtaí Ranganna
Irish Language courses - Testimonials
Colin Harvey, Professor, School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast
“The blended online and in-person experience is ideal and everyone is warmly welcomed. The diversity evident in the classroom is also a great advantage”
I am learning Irish because I want to be able to engage inclusively in conversations about the present and future of the North/NI. For me this is about respecting and celebrating linguistic diversity and acknowledging the many benefits for everyone. I have been particularly inspired by the Irish language activist movement and its work to transform this region.
I am now in the Bunrang 5 class and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I have profound admiration for the dedication of the tutors. Although I am really only at the beginning of this journey, I am making genuine progress thanks to the care, skill and commitment of my tutors. The blended online and in-person experience is ideal and everyone is warmly welcomed. The diversity evident in the classroom is also a great advantage.
I would strongly recommend the Irish language classes at An Droichead to everyone.
Dr. Véronique Altglas, Lecturer in Sociology at Queen's University Belfast
“[An Droichead] offers learning through a wide range of classes catering for different levels, which allows students to find the best suited class for them and their improvement in Irish..”
Learning a new language is like opening the door to a new world of images and ways of thinking. But its also the new people we meet and the bonds we create through the use of language.
The Irish language opens up local history, culture and memory of this island. We are lucky to live in such a multilingual society! Living in Belfast gives the unique opportunity to discover the Irish language and how it is embedded in the geography and culture of this place. Through places like An Droichead we get to learn and use Irish as a loving language, to participate in educational, cultural, artistic and community based activities with so many other like minded people from a broad cross section of this community.
An Droichead is one of those formidable hubs of communal, educational and cultural activities. Being situated on the doorstep of the university quarter, it offers learning through a wide range of classes catering for different levels, which allows students to find the best suited class for them and their improvement in Irish. Small class numbers allow better exchanges and participation, guided by great teachers, in a friendly and inclusive environment.
Conor MacAuley, Northern Correspondent, RTÉ
“Is maith liom na ranganna, an giota beag craic a bhíonn againn agus an cupán tae leath-bhealaigh fríd.”
Rinne mé céim Ceiltise ag Ollscoil na Ríona níos mó na triocha bliain ó shin. Thosaigh mé ag obair sna meáin in mBearla díreach ina dhiadh sin, agus ní raibh móran fáil agam uirthi a úsaid. Am iontach gnóitheach a bhí ann ó thaobh oibre agus teaghlaigh de agus leis an fhírinne a rá bhí mé saghas leisciúil fán Ghaeilge. Tháining meirg mhillteannach uirthi agus cé go raibh mé lán ábalta í a léamh agus a scríobh, cha raibh an mhuinín chéanna agam agus mé a labhairt.
Bliain go leith ó shin d'fhág mé an BBC i ndiaidh fiche bliain agus thosaigh mé ag obair le RTÉ. Bhí sé i gcónaí ar intinn agam pilleadh ar an Ghaeilge agus thug an bogadh sin ionspráid dom é a dhéanamh sa dóigh is go mbeinn ábalta cuidiú a thabhairt d'fhoireann Nuacht & Nuacht TG4 ó am go h-am. Chomh maith le sin tá mo bheirt iníon ag obair trí mheán na Gaeilge agus spreag siad mé.
Thosaigh mé ag cuartú rang Gaeilge. Tá An Droichead cóngarach don oifig agus thosaigh mé ag freastail ar rang thart fá bliain ó shin. Is maith liom na ranganna, an giota beag craic a bhíonn againn agus an cupán tae leath-bhealaigh fríd.
Tá feabhas mór tagtha ar mo Ghaeilge labhartha ó shin, agus tá mé ag iarraidh bheith ag éisteacht leis agus ag léamh níos mó meáin sa Ghaeilge na laethanta seo. Chomh maith le sin, tá mé i mo shuí in aice le Áine Ni Gallachóir as foireann Nuachta, 's tá faill agam mo chuid Gaeilge a úsaid chorr a bheith achan uile lá san oifig anois!