Bealach Thradcheol Bhéal Feirste | The Belfast Traditional Music Trail
Is fiontar é seo atá dírithe ar chuairteoirí agus ar lucht eisteachta áitiúil mar cheiliúradh dár n-oidhreacht cheoil
The Belfast Traditional Music Trail is a unique way to experience Irish music, as featured in Lonely Planet’s ‘Best in Travel’ and Discover NI’s ‘Embrace a Giant Spirit’.
With two professional musicians as your guides, walk through cobbled alleyways, past famous landmarks and on to private bars in some of the city’s oldest buildings. At each stop you will be treated to a performance of traditional tunes, songs and stories, all of which make up your own personal ‘session’.
Enjoy a local beer, cider, whiskey or Guinness while learning about the instruments, language, customs and history that make up Ireland’s vibrant musical tradition. Join us on this interactive experience and discover why Belfast is considered one of Ireland’s best cities for traditional Irish music