Comharthaíocht Sráide
Street Signage
Tá simpliú déanta ag Comhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste ar an phróiseas ina dhéanann cónaitheoirí iarratas ar chomhartaí sráide dhátheangacha a fháil.
Belfast City Council has simplified the process for residents to apply to have their street signs in both Irish and English.
Comharthaí Sráide Dátheangacha
Dual language Street Signs
Belfast City Council has simplified the process for residents to apply to have their street signs in both Irish and English. And all it takes is a simple email request from one resident of any street to start the process off.
On receiving the request, City Council will survey the residents of the street, to ask them if they want a dual language street sign. As long as a number of residents (15% or more) who are on the electoral register want to have bilingual signs erected in their street, then the Council will put them up.
Tá simpliú déanta ag Comhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste ar an phróiseas ina dhéanann cónaitheoirí iarratas ar chomhartaí sráide dhátheangacha a fháil. Níl le déanamh ach iarratas ó chónaitheoir amháin ó sráid ar bith leis an phróiseas a thoiseach.
I ndiaidh iarratas a fháil, déanfaidh an Comhairle suirbhé ar na cónaitheoirí ar an tsráid, le fáil amach an bhfuil na comharthaí ag teastáil uathu. Fhad is go bhfuil níos mó na 15% de chónaitheoirí, atá cláraithe ar an chlár toghthóirí, ar son na gcomharthaí dhátheangacha, cuirfidh an Comhairle in airde iad.
With a bilingual street name you can use either the Irish or the English version – the choice is entirely yours. Your post will be delivered whichever version you use.
If you wish to apply for a dual language street sign, you can use the following template – feel free to copy and paste, simply adding your details – and send to the following address. (you can click on this and it should open on your device)
Le ainm sráide dhátheangach, is féidir an leagan Gaeilge nó an leagan Béarla a úsáid - do chomhairle féin. Seachadfar do chuid phoist i gcás ar bith.
Más maith leat iarratas ar chomharthaíocht dhátheangach a chuir isteach, thig leat an creatlach thíos a úsáid - tá fáilte romhat é a chóipeáil, le do shonraí féin curtha leis, agus é a sheoladh chuig an seoladh seo. (is féidir cliceáil air agus fosclóidh seo ar do ghléas féin é)
*An Droichead is encouraging all of those who can to use the Irish language version of the email below*
To whom it may concern,
I am a resident of (house number) (street name), (postcode).
In accordance with your dual language street sign policy, I wish to make an official application for a bilingual (Irish/English) street sign to be erected in my street.
I would be extremely grateful if you could initiate this process and confirm receipt of this application.
Yours etc.
___________ (full name) ________ (phone number)
A chara,
Is cónaitheoir mé i (uimhir tí) (ainm sráide), (cód poist).
De réir bhur bpolasaí um chomharthaíocht shráide dhátheangach, is mian liom iarratas oifigiúil a dhéanamh go gcuirfear comhartha sráide dátheangach (Gaeilge/Béarla) in airde i mo shráid.
Bheinn buíoch dá gcuirfeá tús leis an phróiseas agus dá ndearbhófá go bhfuarthas an t-iarratas seo.
Le meas,
___________ (ainm iomlán) ________ (uimhir gutháin)