Deonacháin | Donate
Is carthanacht é An Droichead a bhíonn ag brath ar dheontais agus ar chuidiú airgeadais ón phobal.
An Droichead is a charity that relies heavily upon funding and financial support from the community in order to carry out the work we do. You can support our programmes and help us achieve our vision of the largest and most diverse Irish language and cultural community in Ireland. As well as attending our events or classes, volunteering to help us deliver activities, or if you are a parent enrolling your child in our day care or naíonra, you can support us by making a financial contribution.
We have established the An Droichead membership scheme as one way of giving something back to people who wish to make a small monthly contribution.
However we welcome larger, one-off donations as well and you can do so HERE.
We greatly appreciate all support and are always keen to develop links with our funders.
Go raibh maith agat!