Fáilte curtha roimh scéim GRADAIM | GRADAIM scheme given warm welcome

An tAire Deirdre Hargey ag bualadh le Príomhfheidhmeannach An Droichead, Pól Deeds (lár) agus Comhairleoir Cathrach John Gormley (clé). (Le cead ón Roinn Pobal)

Tá fáilte curtha ag An Droichead roimh an scéim GRADAIM atá eagraithe ag Glór na nGael. Bhí an scéim gnó úr seo a sheoladh ag an Aire Pobal Deirdre Hargey an tseachtain seo chaite. Tugann an scéim seo aitheantas do na gnóthaí agus eagraíochtaí a dhéanann iarracht an Ghaeilge a chuir chun cinn. Táthar ag súil go gcuirfidh sé le feiceálacht an teanga ins an phobal.

Bhí seo le rá ag Pól Deeds, Príomhfheidhmeannach An Droichead:

“Tá An Droichead ag forbairt fiontair éagsúla sóisialta le blianta fada agus ag tógáil gaolta le gnólachtaí eile ag an am céanna. Is cinnte go mbeidh an scéim seo ina chuidiú dúinn agus muid ag iarraidh fiontraithe áitiúla a spreagadh le luach na Gaeilge a thuiscint ina gcuid gnó fein.”

Dúirt an tAire Hargey go bhfuil “ról tábhachtach ag comhlachtaí i gcur chun cinn na Gaeilge” agus go “spreagfaidh an scéim seo iad chun é sin a dhéanamh.”

Tá An Droichead ag obair i gcónaí le gnólachtaí áitiúla leis an Ghaeilge a chuir chun cinn i mBéal Feirste Theas. Faoi láthair, tá muid ag gabhail thart ag bualadh le gnóthaí ins an cheantar le cúrsaí Gaeilge agus féidearthachtaí eile a phlé.

An Droichead welcomes the new GRADAIM scheme, facilitated by Glór na nGael. This new business scheme was launched in the North by Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey last week. This scheme gives recognition to businesses and organisations who promote the Irish language. It is hoped that this will help with the visibility of the language in the area.

An Droichead CEO, Pól Deeds, had this to say:

“An Droichead have developed social enterprises for years, all the while developing relationships with other businesses. This scheme will be a big help to us as we try to encourage local enterprises to see the value of the Irish language in their own businesses.”

Minister Hargey said that “Businesses play an important role in the promotion of the Irish language” and that the scheme “will encourage and support them to do so.”

An Droichead constantly work closely with local businesses to promote the langauge and are currently going around the South Belfast area, engaging with local businesses to discuss the opportunities that lie within the Irish language.

Le níos mó eolas a fháil ar an scéim seo, nó comhairle ar bith eile do ghnóthaí agus grúpaí pobail, gabh i dteagmháil linn ar gno@androichead.com

For more information on this scheme, or advice for businesses and community groups on promoting Irish, contact gno@androichead.com


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