Lá Teaghlaigh le ceiliúradh 30 bliain de An Droichead | Family Day to celebrate 30 years of An Droichead
Beidh imeacht cheiliúrtha ag An Droichead ag deireadh mhí an Mheithimh in ómós 30 bliain den eagraíocht. Tá cuid mhór rudaí beartaithe don lá, dírithe ar mhuiríneacha, ar pháistí, agus ar an phobal áitiúil.
Bunaíodh An Droichead mar eagraíocht 30 bliain ó shin an mhí seo le freastáil ar, agus le forbairt, pobal na Gaeilge i gceantracha Ormeau, an Mhargaidh, agus na Trá Giorra. Is iomaidh athrú atá tagtha ar an eagraíocht ó shin, go háirithe an lárionad iontach atá againn ar Sráid Chúic le breis is fiche bliain anuas.
Beidh an Lá Teaghlaigh agus Cóisir Bhreithlá ar an 26ú Meitheamh mar an chéad imeacht le ceilúradh a dhéanamh ar an bhreithlá speisialta seo. Cuireann muid fáilte roimh theaghlaigh áitiúla, cairde na heagraíochta, daoine a thacaigh linn thar na blianta, agus an pobal áitiúil ar fad.
Beidh ceol beo, bia agus sóláistí, cluíchí do pháistí, ainmhithe, dioscó, agus níos mó ar siúil. Beidh ainmhithe agus aíonna speisialta ann ar an lá chomh maith!
An Droichead will host a celebratory event at the end of June to celebrate 30 years of the organisation. There will be a fun-packed day of activities, which is aimed at families, children, and the local community.
An Droichead was founded 30 years ago this month to support, and grow, the Irish langauge community in the Ormeau, Market, and Short Strand areas. A lot has change since then, particularly the success of the school and development of our Lárionad - our multi-purpose centre on Cooke Street - over twenty years ago.
A Family Day and Birthday Party will take place on the 26th of June as the first of our celebratory events to commemorate the 30 year anniversary. We welcome local families, friends of the organisation, our supporters over the years, and our local community.
There will be live music on the day, as well as food and refreshments, games for children, live animals, a disco, and more. There will be live animals and special guests in attendance also!