Postanna úra fríd scéim JobStart fógartha in An Droichead | New jobs announced in An Droichead through JobStart
Tá roinnt postanna úra fógartha ag An Droichead fríd an scéim fostaíochta JobStart. Tá na postanna seo dírithe ar dhaoine idir 16 agus 24 bliain d’aois atá dífhostaithe.
Na postanna atá fógartha ná Cúntóir don Chlár Oideachas Pobail amháin, agus ceithre Chuntóir Súgartha don Chúram Lae. Beidh an Cúntóir don Chlár Oideachas Pobail ag plé le cúrsaí a bhaineann le ranganna do dhaoine fásta, scrúdaithe Ard-Leibhéal, GSCE srl. agus cúrsaí eile. Beidh an ról eile bunaithe ar chúram leanaí agus an cúram lae a chuireann An Droichead ar fáil do pháistí óga.
Tá na postanna seo maoinithe fríd an scéim JobStart de chuid an Roinn Pobal, a thugann maoiniú d’fhostóirí postanna a chrúthu, le fostaíocht a thabhairt do dhaoine óga atá dífhostaithe.
A number of new positions have been announced by An Droichead, through the employment scheme JobStart. These jobs are aimed at people between 16 and 24 who are unemployed.
The jobs announced are one Community Education Programme Assistant and four Play Assistants. The first job will deal with matters pertaining to the running of adult classes, GSCE and A-Level exams, etc. and other such matters. The Play Assistant, meanwhile, will deal with childcare, and the running of the daycare which An Droichead provides to young children.
These jobs are funded through the JobStart scheme, run by the Department for Communities, which provides funding to employers to create jobs, to provide employment to young people who are unemployed.
Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ag an nasc seo.
More information available from this link.