Sparánacht An Droichead 2023 agus Mórdhinnéar Sheachtain na Gaeilge fógartha
BRONNADH 2022: Pictured at the recent presentation of scholarships in Ulster University’s new Belfast Campus are 2022 recipients of the An Droichead scholarship: Gearóid Mac Liam, Faoileann Ní Dhuibhfinn, Fiona McCorry-Henry, Tim McCann and Michael King, along with An Droichead CEO Pól Deeds who presented the scholarships. Pictured also are Alison Snookes, Head of Development Operations at UU and Caoimhín Ó Dónaill, senior lecturer in Irish
Tá Mórdhinnéar Sheachtain na Gaeilge ar ais faoi dheireadh!
An Droichead, celebrating 30 years since we were established, will hold our annual Gala dinner and civic event for Seachtain na Gaeilge/Irish language week in Belfast City Hall on Saturday 4th March.
Reáchtálann An Droichead an t-imeacht seo leis an Ghaeilge a cheiliúradh mar oidhreacht roinnte Bhéal Feirste agus mar chuid lárnach de shaol na cathrach. Ó bhí an chéad dinnéar againn i 2013 is cinnte gur shaothraigh sé áit i measc buaicphointí fhéilire imeachtaí náisiúnta de chuid Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Previous Galas have been held in the Waterfront Hall, the Ulster Museum and Titanic Belfast where the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins attended as the guest of honour in 2015.
Having held the dinner in City Hall back in 2017 when we passed the milestone of 25 years, we decided that it would be appropriate, for the first dinner post-Covid, to come back to this stunning venue that is literally at the centre of life in the city of Belfast.
Ar ndóighe, is cúis cheiliúrtha a bhíonn insa mhórdhinnéar ach, chomh maith leis sin, is ar mhaithe le hairgead a bhailiú a eagraíonn muid é. Bíonn Sparánacht An Droichead ag brath ar airgead a bhailíonn muid ag an imeacht.
Since 2016, the An Droichead Scholarship has helped to pay course fees for UU students who contribute in some way to the growth of An Droichead’s Irish language community. Recipients of last year’s An Droichead Scholarship were presented with their awards at a special ceremony in Ulster University’s new Belfast Campus on York Street in December.
As well as showcasing the best of the Irish language and elements from An Droichead’s arts programme, the Gala dinner is a chance to recognise recipients of the bursaries. It is also the main way that we raise the funds for the next year of the scholarship, so it is important that we get as much support as possible.
Tá súil againn go mbeidh tú féin linn.
We hope as many of our community as possible will purchase a ticket for what is sure to be a great night. We will announce details of this year’s guest speaker shortly along with some other additions that we think will make this dinner the best one yet.
Tickets for An Droichead’s Seachtain na Gaeilge Gala Dinner are priced at £60 and are half price for An Droichead members. Tickets are available HERE. For more information about the dinner or to become a partner or sponsor you can contact An Droichead’s Business Development Officer, Brian Ó Gallachóir at