Cuireann An Droichead fáilte roimh dhea-scéala fá na ciorruithe maoinithe san earnáil chúram leanaí | An Droichead welcomes good news re funding cuts in the childcare sector
I ndiaidh feachtais chrua in aghaidh ciorruithe a bhí geallta don earnáil chúram leanaí in éagmais fheidhmiúcháin reatha, tá lúcháir ar An Droichead inniu an scéal a fháil nach bhfuil na ciorruithe seo ag dul ar aghaidh níos mó.
After a hard-fought campaign against looming cuts that were to be imposed on the childcare sector in the absence of a functioning executive, An Droichead today were delighted to receive the news that the cuts will no longer go ahead. The cuts to the Pathway and Bright Start funds would have meant the loss of over £50,000 per year in An Droichead’s case, with much more being lost as a result, and they had the potential generally to devastate the community and Irish language childcare sectors. Groups were told last month to expect no further funding from the Bright Start and Pathway Fund grants after June of this year. However, news was emailed around groups this morning directly from the funders to confirm that the cuts would not now be made to their funding – in the current financial year at least.
Dá dtiocfadh deireadh le maoiniú Pathway agus Bright Start, chiallódh sin cáiliúcháin de breis is £50,000 sa bhliain i gcás An Droichead, agus thiocfadh leis seo dochar ollmhór a dhéanamh don phobal agus don earnáil chúram leanaí Gaeilge. Dúradh le grúpaí mí ó shin gan a bheith ag dúil le maoiniú ó Brightstart nó an ciste Pathway níos mó i ndiaidh Meitheamh na bliana seo. Scaipeadh an scéal chuig grúpaí trí ríomhphost ar maidin, áfach, díreach ó na maoinitheoirí, le deimhniú nach ndéanfaí na ciorruithe seo dá gcuid maoiniú – ins an bhliain airgeadais reatha ar a laghad.