Siopa An Droichead | Shop
Fáilte go dtí siopa úr s’againne
Seo daoibh Siopa An Droichead, áit ina bhfuil éadaí Gaelacha, ábhar foghlama, earraí Gaeilge agus ealaín ar fáil. Idir chartaí agus priontaí, t-léinte agus leabharthaí, tá an uile shórt ar fáil againn mar bhronntanais.
Cuidíonn do chuid tacaíochta leis an Ghaeilge a fhorbairt thart ar Dheisceart agus Oirthear Bhéal Feirste.
Welcome to Siopa An Droichead, where we stock a wide range of Irish language clothing, learning material, Irish products and art. From cards to prints and from t-shirts to books, we have a large selection of gift ideas available.
Your custom supports the development of the Irish language in South and East Belfast and beyond.